Using HTML Form Templates in a Workflow

The powerful Form Templates can be a challenge sometimes. Ask the Guru about form templates.

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Using HTML Form Templates in a Workflow

Post by philipdown » Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:20 am

Besides the issues I am having using the in built HTML editor (telling the buttons what to do!!), I am struggling with the concept of effectively using HTML forms with workflows. This is what I would like to achieve:

- I want x1 document template that covers the new part number creation in my company. This will have x4 sections each a checklist for each phase of the process.
- This tem[plate is raised and saved in a document library each time a new part number is required.
- The workflow is the process. So Phase 1, the information on the HTML form is completed and saved and passed to the next phase, where this is then updated and saved until all phases have been completed and the form wholly completed.

My issue I can see is when creating and completing a HTML form from a template, once phase 1 is done, the HTML form is just saved as a picture of the form, not allowing the next step in the work flow to complete the next section, which is the responsibility of a different party to that from phase 1. So at this time, I can't see how this could work? Can anyone help?

I am not currently proficient in HTML and I only have the in built form creator, but I am learning and would like some advise to better my understanding.

Thanks in advance.

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infoRouter Guru
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Re: Using HTML Form Templates in a Workflow

Post by infoRouter Guru » Sun Oct 20, 2013 7:53 am


We do not support the HTML editor from within the HTML Template tool.
Simply make your form fields using standard HTML tags.

Take a look at this document on how this can be done: ... de-V80.pdf

The Guru

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